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Bone Grafting

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Restore Lost Bone

Have you had a tooth missing for many years or noticed that other teeth have shifted out of place? You may have a weakened jaw bone. Tooth loss and oral disease can cause the jaw bone to deteriorate. Similar to muscles that atrophy if they go unused for prolonged periods of time, the jaw bone can atrophy or resorb if a missing tooth is not replaced. Our surgeons have the ability to maintain and even regrow bone that has resorbed so that you can qualify for dental implants. This treatment is called bone grafting.

At Utah Surgical Arts, our oral surgeons and knowledgeable staff perform several bone grafting procedures to help patients rebuild lost bone and become candidates for dental implants.. Contact us in Provo, Payson, South Jordan, and Lehi, UT, today to learn about your bone grafting options.

Types of Bone Grafts at Utah Surgical Arts

Our oral surgeons perform many bone grafting treatments. During the consultation with Dr. Harris, Dr. Park, Dr. Brown, Dr. Wood, or Dr. Holladay, we will determine if you need bone grafts, and the type of treatment to improve your oral health. Depending on your specific condition, your doctor may perform any of these procedures separately or together; they are most often performed separately from the dental implant procedure. These treatments include:

  • Socket Preservation. Once a tooth is extracted, artificial bone is placed in the socket to help preserve the bone and gum tissue for implant placement.
  • Ridge Expansion. In severe cases, the ridge has been resorbed, and a bone graft is placed to increase ridge height and/or width.
  • Sinus Lift Procedure. This procedure involves elevating the sinus membrane and placing a bone graft onto the sinus floor, allowing implants to be placed in the back part of the upper jaw.
  • Nerve Repositioning. The inferior alveolar nerve, which gives feeling to the lower lip and chin, may need to be moved to make room for placement of dental implants to the lower jaw.

In most cases, your doctor will use particulate freeze-dried bone from a tissue bank or a bone mineral substitute. In some cases, when a large quantity of bone is necessary, the material is taken from your own bone, either from inside the mouth, from the hip, or from the tibia at the knee.

Bone grafting in South Jordan, Provo, Payson, and Lehi, Utah

Socket preservation maintains an empty tooth socket and makes future implant placement easier.

Tissue Grafting

Patients suffering from gum recession are encouraged to have a tissue graft, or gum graft, to protect teeth from damage and rebuild the gums. When the gum tissue recedes, the tissue surrounding the teeth pulls away, exposing the tooth and root. Patients are strongly encouraged to monitor oral health regularly, as gum recession is a slow, gradual process and easily goes unnoticed at first.

If you suffer from gum recession, your oral surgeon may suggest one of three different types of tissue grafts:

  • Connective Tissue Grafts. Tissue is removed from under a flap of skin cut in the roof of the mouth. The tissue is then stitched to the gum surrounding an exposed tooth root, and the flap is stitched closed.
  • Free Gingival Grafts. This is similar to a connective tissue graft, except tissue is removed directly from the roof of the mouth, not from under a flap. This is a common procedure for patients with thin gums.
  • Pedicle Grafts. A flap of tissue called a pedicle is partially cut from the gum near the exposed tooth root. With one edge remaining connected, the tissue is pulled and stitched to cover the exposed tooth root.

As with bone grafting, your own tissue can be used. However, graft material can be obtained from a tissue bank. One advantage of taking the tissue graft from a tissue bank is that if donor tissue is used, a second surgical site or donor site is not necessary.

When it comes to your oral health, trust in the experts who have been positively serving patients in Utah since 1998. We have offices in Provo, Payson, South Jordan, and Lehi, where we perform bone grafting procedures and restorative surgeries, helping more patients achieve healthier smiles.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)

Platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, uses your own blood to promote faster healing following oral surgery. PRP contains many platelets, which release growth factors to heal wounds. Your surgeon draws a small amount of blood, spins it in a centrifuge to collect the plasma, and administers the plasma directly to the surgical site.

Platelet rich plasma in South Jordan, Provo, Payson, and Lehi, Utah

We create PRP using your own blood and administer it directly to the surgical site to expedite recovery.

AAAHC Accreditation

Utah Surgical Arts is approved by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC). This accreditation is difficult to obtain and allows our office to function as a hospital and/or surgical center. Since extensive surgeries must be performed in a surgical center, there are many instances where the patient may be unable to undergo surgery due to the high cost of the hospital or surgical center. If your surgery can be performed at Utah Surgical Arts, the cost savings may be significant. Many patients who were unable to have the procedure due to the high cost involved were able to have the procedure performed at Utah Surgical Arts. Learn More.

Types of Anesthesia

Our surgeons at Utah Surgical Arts offer many anesthesia and sedation options for patients to choose from.

Reviews From Our Bone Grafting Patients

Carol got a bone graft at Utah Surgical Arts in Provo, UT
Carol Reviews Her Bone Grafting Procedure

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"My name is Carol Brown. I first met Dr. Park last February when I needed some major surgery done with sinuses and infection in my jaw bone. We were really impressed. He spent a lot of time explaining every detail to us, and we felt very comfortable. It’s been a long process. It’s still not finished, but we feel wonderful about the things that he was able to accomplish. Even with all of his knowledge and expertise, he didn’t hesitate to call in specialists when he felt like they were needed. We just feel like I’ve been given a new lease on life and feel wonderful and excited to get this process over with. We’ve really appreciated the staff and Dr. Park and all that he has been able to accomplish."

Janelle had extractions, bone grafts, and multiple dental implants placed at Utah Surgical Arts in Lehi, UT
Janelle Reviews Her Bone Grafting Procedure

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"Hi, I'm Janelle and I'm from Orem, and I came to Utah Surgical Arts to get extractions, bone grafts, and dental implants. When I first walked in the doors here, I felt instantly at ease. The doctor was amazing. He's always done a great job and I'm just so much happier with my mouth in general because I know that he's taking good care of it. The staff here is great. They're just like your neighbors next door. They just really make you feel like you're part of their family. The procedure was successful, and the recovery was so much better than I had anticipated. Thanks to Utah Surgical Arts, I just can't stop smiling."

Tara had a bone graft at Utah Surgical Arts in South Jordan, UT
Tara Reviews Her Bone Grafting Procedure

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"I’m Tara, and I live in Provo. We went in for a well-check at the dentist’s office, and I was just sitting in the waiting room, waiting, and the dentist came and got me and had a concern and showed me an X-ray he was really worried about. He had already spoke to Dr. Park and already had an appointment and sent me straight up here, and we discovered that she had a cyst in her jaw bone that had deteriorated her jaw bone to the point where if she ate anything more than a crust of bread — tougher than that — she would break her jaw bone. That was a lot to take in in one day. They were so great to us. I felt so comfortable and at ease. There was lots of decisions to make and lots of choices, and several times I looked at Dr. Park and said, "What would you do if this was your kid?" When he told me, I knew without a doubt that he was telling me the truth and that he would help me do what it takes to get her better and to handle the situation. I would recommend Utah Surgical Arts to anyone, and I’m very, very grateful that I met them and came here."

Scott had a bone graft at Utah Surgical Arts in South Jordan, UT
Scott Reviews His Bone Grafting Procedure

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"Hi, I’m Scott. I’m from Cedar Hills, UT, and I came in for a procedure to fix a sinus — have some sinus surgery done for a bone in my — I don’t know how to explain it — the bone in my head. He was able to go in and clean out the damage that I’ve had mostly from a cavity. It started out in a cavity, and they kept trying to fix the cavity, and they’d go in and clean it out and fill it up, and then they’d drill it back out because I’d be in pain and I’d swell up again — the whole side of my face just kind of swelled up. Finally, I was recommended to come down and see Dr. Harris. It’s good as new now. So if any of you need any facial surgical work done, I highly recommend Utah Surgical Arts. Anybody in the surrounding areas — Utah County, Provo, I’m from Cedar Hills as I said earlier, Pleasant Grove, Lindon, all of those areas — I'd highly recommend that you come in to see Dr. Harris."

Kameron Ext BG DI facewall
Kameron Reviews Her Bone Grafting Procedure

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"My name is Kameron. I live in South Jordan, Utah, and I came to Utah Surgical Arts to get an extraction, a bone graft, and an implant. When I first walked into the practice, everyone was super nice to me. The doctor was beyond friendly. He was very patient with me. He took great care of me, and most importantly, I felt really comfortable around him, which is exactly what I needed. I received texts and videos. I had a lot more confidence. Things went a lot better because I knew what to expect. My procedure went really well. Recovery was awesome. Having a healthy smile will mean so much to me. It gives me a lot more confidence. I would most certainly recommend Utah Surgical Arts. My experience here was perfect and everyone was so nice and so incredible. It was simply the best."

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